

The Prototype of the Woman Warrior in White Tigers

For the ones who are familiar with Chinese culture, Kingston’s White Tigers will remind them of the Chinese ‘Ballad of Mulan’. In the legendary story, Mulan is a heroine of Han Dynasty who takes her father’s place during the conscription and disguises herself as a male soldier in the war of countering Hu’s invasion. In 1998, Mulan’s story had been edited as an American animated musical film and was known for more people from other countries.
However, Mulan is not the only prototype of the woman warrior. Kingston adds other Chinese legendary elements, such as the back-carving story of Yue Fei, to enrich the character of the woman warrior. Yue Fei is a male heroic figure who has four Chinese characters (精忠报国: To dedicate oneself to the service of one’s country) carved on his back by his mother. His mother carves the words to inspire him to defeat the enemies and protect his own country. While in White Tigers, the woman warrior’s mother carves revenge on her back, also using it to encourage her to defeat their enemies.    

Some sinologists have criticized Kingston for the distorted Chinese myths and folk stories in her White Tigers. However, Kingston responded to these criticizes that she took the power she needs from whatever myth. The reason she put the male hero Yue Fei’s story on the heroine is because she means to take man’s power for woman.  



Cultural Tips of Kingston’s No Name Woman

1.      Why did she jump into the well
China has a historic well culture. In Chinese characters, well is , belonging to hieroglyphs. From the outline of this character, we can feel its metaphorical meaning of confinementthere are visible walls around, and there is no exitwhich could be used to symbolize women’s situation at old times.

Jumping into the well has been preferred by Chinese women of old times, no matter in literature or in real life, to end their lives when they suffered from unequal treatment, or when there was no way out for them. Some Chinese women jumped into the well to prove their innocence, to prove they were as clean and pure as the well water; while others jumped into the well because they had no way to escape, only the well could shelter their souls and wash off their sins.

Is the “no name woman” innocent? At least her baby girl is innocent. The well was the safest place when they were surrounded by the terrible traditions and villagers.

2.      What is the meaning of splattering blood of the chickens around the “no name woman”?

In China, there are some superstitious sayings that the blood of animals, usually the blood of black dogs, could help the ghost catchers beat the ghosts. Splattering blood of chickens is also regarded as a protection against evil spirits. In the past, Chinese people sprinkled the chicken blood in front of the door in Dragon Boat Festival to protect their houses from the ghosts.

In the story, one woman “swung a chicken, whose throat she had slit, splattering blood in red arcs about her”, which showed that the “no name woman” was treated as a ghost, or an evil thing by the villagers.

3.      What is the relation between the freckle on the chin and fortune in Chinese culture?

In the story, the writer imagined that her aunt dug out a freckle on her chin "with a hot needle and washed the wound with peroxide", because it was "at a spot that the almanac said predestined her for unhappiness".
In China, some old people could tell people‘s fortune from their faces. The freckles on different places of people's bodies have different meanings.
The right picture is taken from a beauty salon. Nowadays some Chinese people still believe in the relation between the position of freckles and fortune. Therefore, they'll go to hospitals or beauty salons to dig out the freckle if it has bad meaning.

The black spots on the girl's face show the bad fortune, while the red ones show good fortune. Around the chin, there are 8 spots, which have different meanings. From left to right, they separately represent disastrous love affair, good fortune in food, wisdom, benefit, richness, food, bringing good fortune to husband, and blessings.