

Analysis on the Cultural Elements of The Joy Luck Club

The Joy Luck Club is Chinese American writer Amy Tan’s masterpiece. It was composed of sixteen small stories, presenting conflicts and integrations between the four pairs of Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-born daughters. Amy Tan mixed her personal experience into this novel: from the lines of the stories, we could see not only her early times in the U.S. as a Chinese American, but also her unique views on Chinese culture and women’s inferior position.

Amy Tan’s parents immigrated to the U.S. in the 1940s and gave birth to her in 1952 in California. Their traditional Chinese cultural background and life experiences provided Amy Tan with abundant writing materials. As a typical second generation of Chinese immigrants, Amy Tan devoted her unique diversified life stories to depicting the life experiences of the Chinese mothers and their “American daughters” as well as describing their inner journeys of confronting generation gaps and cultural diversity. In The Joy Luck Club, she built a special world only for women and lifted the mother-and-daughter relationship to a higher level of cultural conflicts and integrations.

It is very interesting to analyze the cultural elements of The Joy Luck Club, because Amy Tan tactfully embedded and expressed these elements through the mother-and-daughter relationship. From the prospective of mother-and-daughter relationship, Amy Tan explored the Chinese-American cultural conflicts and integrations, the Chinese awareness inside the “American daughters”, the Chinese-style modesty, traditional harsh education, and collectivism.

Cultural Conflicts and Integrations

There are many differences between China and the U.S. in cultural traditions, life styles, and social customers. The conflicts between the Chinese mothers and “American daughters” represent the conflicts between Chinese culture and western culture. In The Joy Luck Club, the daughters were born in the U.S., growing up with the American-style values, life styles, and thinking models; they spoke fluent English, pursue freedom and equality, and advocated individualism. As a contrast, the mothers were still the typical Chinese-style mothers, speaking broken English, being deeply influenced by the traditional Chinese values—Confucianism, and educated their daughters in a traditional Chinese way.

Because of the language and cultural barriers, the daughters always failed to communicate well with their mothers, and thus failed to understand the actual Chinese traditions and cultures brought from their mothers: Jing-mei Woo could not understand her mother’s Chinese way of tactfully playing with words; Lena St. Clair didn’t understand the Chinese saying “Chunwang chihan” mentioned by her mother, but insisted to define it in her own way; Waverly Jong refused to accept the Chinese-style art of invisible strength which was taught by her mother, but tended to embrace the American-style frankness;…

The mothers felt alienated and lonely in living in the U.S., though they had got the American nationalities. To pouring out their complicated feelings, they resort to the traditional Chinese game—mahjong; during the mahjong-playing, they could better release their depressed feeling of being marginalization by American society. However, the daughters would never understand their mothers’ way of communicating, and imagined it as a shameful Chinese custom, “like the secret gathering of the Ku Klux Klan or the tom-to, dances of TV Indians preparing for war” (28)

Despite of the misunderstandings between Chinese mothers and “American daughters”, Amy Tan left hints that there must be some ways for two different cultures to integrate—that the mothers finally found ways to communicate with their daughters: they told stories about their experience in China, when their daughters encountered setbacks in their love relationship or marriage. Through this kind of actual communication, the mothers fulfilled their duties of integrating different cultures and rebuilding their daughters’ cultural identification.

Chinese ­Awareness inside the “American Daughter”

Although the four daughters appeared bewildered and reluctant to accept Chinese culture, some traditional Chinese values had already rooted deeply inside them, because they all brought up in Chinese family.

From the stories, we could easily find the daughters’ unconsciously Chinese awareness. When the mother Lindo Jong commented on Rich’s freckles, the daughter Waverly argued that freckles meant good luck in Chinese culture. The daughter Lena asserted that she didn’t believe her mother’s Wu Tsing Theory; however, when her mother looked in her rice bowl and predicted that she would marry a bad man, and her future husband had one pock mark for every rice she not finish, Lena picked up the bowl and scraped the last few grains into her mouth. For the daughter Rose, when she was in a mess of her marriage, she misused a Chinese phrase to express her feeling, because she subconsciously believed that only Chinese vocabulary could describe her exact feeling.

For these American born Chinese daughters, it might be difficult for them to figure out the thick meanings behind some seemingly weird cultures, customs and traditions; however, there were parts of Chinese inside them. They cultivated by the larger American society as well as being nurtured by their traditional Chinese family.

Chinese-style Modesty and Other Manners

In westerners’ eyes, Chinese-style modesty is very hard to understand. When Chinese-style modesty met American-style frankness, there would be big embarrassment. In The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan designed three distinct groups to reveal this kind of embarrassment resulted from cultural differences.

The four mothers represented Chinese-style modesty—they always talked in an implicit way, they would deny themselves first as cues to bring more praise. The four daughters were served as inter-mediators—they knew both Chinese and American cultures, but were unable to judge which one is better for themselves. The American friends of the four daughters were on behalf of the American-style frankness that they expressed feelings in a very direct way.

In the stories, Waverly designed a family meeting for her fiancé Rich, to help him win her mother’s favor. Before the meeting, she urged Rich again and again to praise her mother’s dishes after the dinner, because her mother used cooking to express her love, her pride, and her power. However, when her mother modestly said her dishes was not good, which expected to receive others’ praise, Rich responded to it that adding soy sauce would be better. It was very embarrassing, because this kind of American-style frankness hurt. Rich’s frankness also revealed as his refusal to eat some vegetables, and called Waverly’s parents’ names directly. In Chinese culture, it is very impolite to refuse directly, and is very rude to call elders’ names.

Traditional Harsh Education

In The Joy Luck Club, the mothers taught their daughters in two ways. On the one hand, they wanted their daughters to be independent, and got rid of their own tragedies. On the other hand, they taught their daughters in a traditional Chinese way unconsciously, which was unacceptable by their “American daughters”. Being well educated by American society, the daughters expected an absolutely equal mother-and-daughter relationship, and tended to interpret their mothers’ Chinese-style consideration and love as rude interference.

Chinese mothers always regarded their daughters as part of themselves, and wanted to participate in their daughters’ lives, while the American daughters thought themselves as independent individuals, and didn’t like to share life experience with their mothers. In The Joy Luck Club, Waverly won the chess competition, her mother commented happily that she had just lost 8 chesses and she had better lose less next time. For Waverly, she thought her mother’s comment was a kind of interference that her mother was showing off through her. For the mother, she would interpret her daughter’s impatience as a kind of despise. In the same way, Jing-mei also turned against her mother after she failed the piano playing, as a resist to her mother’s traditional harsh education.

The essence of the conflicts between mothers and daughters are the conflicts between Chinese culture and western culture. The traditional harsh education did not work well in the American soil.


To define the features of Chinese culture and American culture, the former should be collectivism and the latter is individualism.

In American society, people are regarded as independent individuals; in Chinese society, families are valued much more than individuals. For common Chinese families, the family gatherings are of great importance in maintaining the family harmony and development of personal characteristics. However, for Chinese Americans like Jing-mei, who was born and grown up in the American culture, other people’s affairs are nothing important to them, and that’s the reason why they could not understand why their mothers organized the mahjong activities actively. Mahjong means a lot to Chinese people, especially to those who are far away from home. It is not merely a game; it reunites people as a family, and helps them regain their weakening identities as Chinese. One of the biggest disadvantages of collectivism, or family culture, is the weak privacy, which is also the place where the daughters cannot understand. During Waverly’s first marriage, her mother always visited her house without informing her in advance. It is very common in China, but goes against the daughter’s privacy right.

Amy Tan presents some of Chinese traditional cultures in her The Joy Luck Club; some cultures are very attracting while some reflect darkness, backward, and irrationality of China. Overall, all the cultural elements serve for the theme of mother-and-daughter relationship. Although the cultural differences are barriers for mothers and daughters to communicate and understand, there is a cross-cultural nature ties the mothers and daughters—love. Because of love, their relationship was repaired in the end, and the daughters finally understand their mothers.


The Prototype of the Woman Warrior in White Tigers

For the ones who are familiar with Chinese culture, Kingston’s White Tigers will remind them of the Chinese ‘Ballad of Mulan’. In the legendary story, Mulan is a heroine of Han Dynasty who takes her father’s place during the conscription and disguises herself as a male soldier in the war of countering Hu’s invasion. In 1998, Mulan’s story had been edited as an American animated musical film and was known for more people from other countries.
However, Mulan is not the only prototype of the woman warrior. Kingston adds other Chinese legendary elements, such as the back-carving story of Yue Fei, to enrich the character of the woman warrior. Yue Fei is a male heroic figure who has four Chinese characters (精忠报国: To dedicate oneself to the service of one’s country) carved on his back by his mother. His mother carves the words to inspire him to defeat the enemies and protect his own country. While in White Tigers, the woman warrior’s mother carves revenge on her back, also using it to encourage her to defeat their enemies.    

Some sinologists have criticized Kingston for the distorted Chinese myths and folk stories in her White Tigers. However, Kingston responded to these criticizes that she took the power she needs from whatever myth. The reason she put the male hero Yue Fei’s story on the heroine is because she means to take man’s power for woman.  



Cultural Tips of Kingston’s No Name Woman

1.      Why did she jump into the well
China has a historic well culture. In Chinese characters, well is , belonging to hieroglyphs. From the outline of this character, we can feel its metaphorical meaning of confinementthere are visible walls around, and there is no exitwhich could be used to symbolize women’s situation at old times.

Jumping into the well has been preferred by Chinese women of old times, no matter in literature or in real life, to end their lives when they suffered from unequal treatment, or when there was no way out for them. Some Chinese women jumped into the well to prove their innocence, to prove they were as clean and pure as the well water; while others jumped into the well because they had no way to escape, only the well could shelter their souls and wash off their sins.

Is the “no name woman” innocent? At least her baby girl is innocent. The well was the safest place when they were surrounded by the terrible traditions and villagers.

2.      What is the meaning of splattering blood of the chickens around the “no name woman”?

In China, there are some superstitious sayings that the blood of animals, usually the blood of black dogs, could help the ghost catchers beat the ghosts. Splattering blood of chickens is also regarded as a protection against evil spirits. In the past, Chinese people sprinkled the chicken blood in front of the door in Dragon Boat Festival to protect their houses from the ghosts.

In the story, one woman “swung a chicken, whose throat she had slit, splattering blood in red arcs about her”, which showed that the “no name woman” was treated as a ghost, or an evil thing by the villagers.

3.      What is the relation between the freckle on the chin and fortune in Chinese culture?

In the story, the writer imagined that her aunt dug out a freckle on her chin "with a hot needle and washed the wound with peroxide", because it was "at a spot that the almanac said predestined her for unhappiness".
In China, some old people could tell people‘s fortune from their faces. The freckles on different places of people's bodies have different meanings.
The right picture is taken from a beauty salon. Nowadays some Chinese people still believe in the relation between the position of freckles and fortune. Therefore, they'll go to hospitals or beauty salons to dig out the freckle if it has bad meaning.

The black spots on the girl's face show the bad fortune, while the red ones show good fortune. Around the chin, there are 8 spots, which have different meanings. From left to right, they separately represent disastrous love affair, good fortune in food, wisdom, benefit, richness, food, bringing good fortune to husband, and blessings.




Introduction of "Jiaolian"--A Traditional Chinese Cosmetology Mentioned in No Name Woman

In Maxine Hong Kington's No Name Woman, there is a description about a traditional Chinese cosmetology--Jiaolian:

She looped a piece of thread, knotted into a circle between her index fingers and thumbs, and ran the double strand across her forehead. When she closed her fingers as if she were making a pair of shadow geese bite, the string twisted together catching the little hairs. Then she pulled the thread away from her skin, ripping the hairs out neatly, her eyes watering from the needles of pain. Opening her fingers, she cleaned the thread, then rolled it along her hairline and the tops of her eyebrows. (1233)
In the above text, the author called it "caught by the short hairs", and believed that the expression meant a captive held with a depilatory string. However, Jiaolian is not simply "a captive held with a depilatory string", it is a traditional ceremony before women get married, which contains good blessings for women.
In some southern minority areas of China, the cosmetology of Jiaolian is still popular. Women's first Jiaolian ceremony is held on the day before their wedding ceremonies. The older women, usually the relatives of the brides and who come from happy families, would help the brides-to-be clean their faces with strings. 
The tools of Jiaolian are very simple: two strings of thread, eyebrow tweezers, and powder. The masters of Jiaolian will first brush the powder onto the brides' faces. Then they make the strings to a figure eight knot, holding the knot with their index fingers and thumbs of right hands, and with the two ends of strings in their left hands and their mouths. After that, the masters will use the string to pull the little hairs on the faces through cooperation of their hands and mouths.
The Jiaolian ceremony is very important for women. Throughout women's lives, no matter whether they divorce or remarry in the future, this ceremony will only be conducted once before their first wedding ceremony. It symbolize the turning point of their lives--from young girls to women. As "lian" means face in Chinese, Jiaolian contains blessings that women's polished faces would help them attract their husbands, and bring them good luck in marital lives. 

In China, most traditional customs have their original folktales. The custom of Jiaolian originate from Sui Dynasty in ancient China. The Emperor Suiyang Di, who's a despot in Chinese history, always grabbed young beauties from his people.To protect their daughters (who were going to be brides) from grabbing by the despot, parents thought of an idea that would pull out all the little hairs of their daughters and cover their faces with powde, to make their daugthers look like the City Goddess (Chinese goddesses are always with very white and silk-like faces). Then they would send the disguised daughters to their grooms' places. Jiaolian and make-up helped the young girls escape from the searching of the soliders and get married safe and sound. As time passed, it gradually became a traditional custom.


Welcome to My Blog

Hello! My name is Jing Tian. I'm an exchange graduate student from Qingdao,China. I'm majoring in Chinese Philology, which is a combined major of Chinese Linguistics and Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Language. I love reading, but all the English literature works I have read are translated versions. Thanks to this literature class, I start to force myself to read original English literature works. It is hard for me, but I have a lot of fun in reading.

In this blog, I'm going to introduce two famous Chinese American writers—Maxine Hong Kingston and Amy Tan. I’ll discuss the female-centered themes and cultural diversity of their masterpieces The Woman Warrior and The Joy Luck Club, and explain some culture related customs and folktales which are mentioned in this two works.

The first time I heard Amy Tan is in my literature class 5 years ago, when our teacher showed us the movie The Joy Luck Club. I found the links of the movie in Youtube, and put it in my blog. Now we can start my blog journey from enjoying this movie >>>>>

Part 1
Part 2